Looking for a contractor to build your new custom home or handle your next remodeling project? Sometimes that’s easier said than done! You’ve probably heard the horror stories of poor craftsmanship, missed deadlines, and overextended budgets…just to name a few. Truth be told, not every contractor is the right contractor. Unfortunately, choosing the wrong contractor can turn an exciting project into a total disaster. It’s safe to say, you don’t want that!

At Ironwood Custom Builders, we get how overwhelming it can be to select a contractor. As part of our commitment to excellence, we’re holding a seminar to help you identify the right contractor for your next project.

What: Seminar – How to Find the Contractor You REALLY Want
When: Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM

Click here to RSVP for this event.

Finding a great contractor often starts with asking the right questions. However, knowing what those questions are is just half the battle. Luckily, we’ve got you covered! With tips from our experienced team, you’ll learn how to identify a good contractor committed to providing exceptional customer service and high-quality work. Then, taking a look at their past projects and work history, you’ll be able to decide if their process and style fits your project.

Interested in attending this event sponsored by Washington Federal? Simply fill out this form to RSVP. Once you’ve confirmed your registration, we’ll send you an email with the address and directions to the event. For more information about this seminar, feel free to contact Kelly Anderson at (801) 416-3131 or by email at kelly@ironwoodcustombuilders.com.